My 10 Best & Worst things of 2005
Best of the year
1.Best Challenge– Mandate#4 – Merger & Acquisition.
2.Best New Discovery – AJAX Framework
3.Best Book – Sixty by Tom Peters
4.Best New Person of the Year – - L. Patey
5.Best New Colleague : M.Catto
6.Best Team : Alpha Team ( Mirelle, Kelly, Penny, Ariel,Mylene)
7.Best Person who raised the bar for themselves : D.Moore
8.Best wine : Montecillio Criniza 1998
9.Best Decision : Moving Cribb’s
10.Best Event: Pow Wow -2005
Worst of the year
1.Physical excise – no Exercise plan. Managed to play tennis only thrice.
2.Learning – Did not study for anything new. Not my style at all
3.Drinking- Not a day, that I have gone without a drink. I think, I must be in AA category by now for sure -
4.Sex – Oh gosh, I practically behaved like a monk all year round. (Heh.. I was a good Boy, Santa!!)
5.Damage –My Blackberry fall into the toilet when taking a piss. Costs me $700/- to get another. Never take a Piss, with a phone in your hand!
6.Traveling: Total of 32 flights this year, I hate traveling now.
7.Experience: Having heavy breath in the middle of one night. Thought I was getting a heart attack. It was just bad heart burns.
8.Dumbest thing: referring a friend for a job and then the person quits 2 days after joining. Go figure!
9.Worst Friend: The person who burrowed $220/- for a day and then vanished thereafter. Yeah, a friend that I knew for 3 yrs !! Hey if you read this, where’s my bloody money ??
10.Communications : Lowest year for international conversations. Hardly called anyone –just because …
Lessons Learnt
OK, don’t take everything for granted. Life is too short to be consumed by work and all that fun stuff. Pick yourself up, don’t feel sorry because you did not get laid as much as you wanted (note to self: Make it up next year). Cut out the wines with supper. Make plans to create an excise chart. Work on building a good relationship with someone of the other sex. Make time to call family and friends. Stop punishing yourself for not saving money and get yourself a puppy dog to keep yourself company !!!
I´ve been quite a monk, too. :(
Hope 2006 will be more fruitful.
Posted by: Felix Gerena | December 13, 2005 at 05:48 AM
nice blog!!
Posted by: selina | July 04, 2006 at 09:24 PM