Aho my relations:
I want to once again wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year! We have an exciting new year ahead of us filled with much work and hope. Due to your generous donations to the LPDC my legal team was able to obtain the necessary documents withheld by the FBI, as well as pay for copying costs of the documents. My legal team will be providing a legal update later.
For those of you who donated towards the travel expenses for my family to visit me during the holidays, I send you my deepest gratitude as well as that of my family. I can not find the words to express or convey to you how wonderful it was to sit with my family and enjoy my grandchildren's smiles and laughter. I hope to one day soon have the opportunity to share embraces with all of you, friends and relatives.
I have been receiving daily updates from the LPDC on all the activities and events that many of you are organizing for Feb 6, 2006. For those who are getting together in your homes to watch "Incident at Oglala," I will be there with you in spirit. I have also been told that many of you have contacted local theatres and have organized rallies and events that include viewings of "Incident at Oglala" or "Warrior." I commend you for your work and efforts in educating others about me and about the injustices and constitutional violations of my illegal incarceration. Many of you will be an Army of One, passing our brochures, holding signs, and writing letters of support. Thank you, your strength gives me strength to continue our fight for my freedom.
I ask you to please continue to support the LPDC and Legal Defense Committee with your thoughtful and generous donations. They are now comprised of an all volunteer staff. They are a dedicated team committed to my freedom, which have refused salary at this critical juncture. All donations sent to the LPDC are used for my ongoing legal campaign. We are also in dire need for funds to open a Defense Committee office near Lewisburg. There has not been a permanent office since my transfers this past year and opening an office here in Lewisburg is a high priority.
On Saturday, January 21, I was told the following message regarding Enya, a 10 year old supporter who wrote and contacted the LPDC with the following message, " I attend an all white school, and the kids make fun of me because I am Native American. On Feb 6, 2006 I am going to wear my Leonard Peltier shirt to school. Leonard Peltier is not afraid and neither am I. I am proud to be Native American." The LPDC contacted Enya and Enya proudly told them that wearing the Leonard Peltier shirt is a Badge of Honor for her.
After hearing Enya's message, I can tell you that if my incarceration has brought the feeling of encouragement and pride to our youth than I know that the 30 years of injustice I have endured behind bars have not been lost. This milestone of 30 years has forced me to look at myself introspectively. When I reflect upon the time I have been given on Mother Earth, I am often brought back to the vow I took for the survival of my people. I solidified that vow with my flesh as a Sun Dancer. As long as the Creator allows me to sacrifice so that my people may live, I will never back down. So long as Native youth like Enya rise against 500 years of oppression I will rise with
them. I ask you to stand with us in the face of this struggle.
Mitakuye Oyasin.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier