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April 14, 2006



Where is the respect for the person who came with the name Diva ? :)

James  Governor

"intrigued" - i bet your pd. i can practically hear your thoughts flickring from here.


Rock On!!


i was hyped on 3D Fax at one point*

ddr lose weight

Dance Dance Revolution Loss Weight?

Dance Dance Revolution games offer a specific "Workout Mode" in which players can choose a song, and play accordingly using either the normal step routine, or a modified step routine designed to provided a workout. The workout mode also allows players to track their progress, not in the standard step scores, but by calories burned, minutes played, and distance traveled. The game also calculates the equivalent of DDR dancing to common exercise activities, and can keep track of a player's weight as well.

The built-in workout features have inspired many DDR fans to make playing DDR their primary source of exercise, and some have built entire weight-loss regimens around the game. However, as with all new diet or exercise plans, it is recommended that one discusses the changes with their doctor.

There are many different types of DDR pad you can purchase. You will need a gaming system such as a Play station or an Xbox and of course the DDR pads and DDR games!

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