I'm mesh'in at the CN Towers !
Corsin Joined me for lunch at the 360 restaurant at the top of the CNtowers. So I quickly snapped a pic on the way out :)- This is how the ground like when you look down through the glass view point
Corsin is actually from the Alps and had something to do with Google and its services at the Zurich Lab's - 'nuff said. He now does some freelance works. He will be joining us for Mesh Conference 06 in Toronto.
BTW- Meshcon is SOLDOUT and NO I can't get you tickets :)-
Stuart --sez that approx 400 participants would be meshin for the event !! Kudos to the organizers for their tireless efforts. I certainly look forward to this conference.
Updated : As per Corsin - corrected spelling :)-
hey pd
why do you call the tower "CNN"? is it not just "Canadian National" tower :-).
and I am no chicken ;-p
Posted by: Corsin Camichel | May 14, 2006 at 08:29 PM