Waaaaaaaaaa.. I needed to go for my Ear Syringing this evening. I had problems with wax build up and very close to the ear drim. Ok, I was stupid -about 2 months ago, i went for a swim and used que tips to try to clean up the water inside the ear. However, I actaully pushed down all the wax and compacted it deep deep down inside -close to the ear drum.
Anyway. all the ear wax cleaning medication did not work. So I had to go for the Ear syrining procedure. Its a simple procedure, but hell I am chicken too !!
Well, I felt a little dizzy after the process. Kinda rush a feeling and then dizzy. Doc had to syringe me twice to get out the globs of wax which had accumulated. 2 globs were in the dish after the process. They were like to large ball bearing size !! How the heck does the ear have som much of space inside for so much of matter eh ??
over the last couple of weeks it was alway "huh - what did you say ?" syndrome. Having said all that, I can now hear properly :)- This is a relief, i wish the doc had done this earlier !!
Visiting a well-trusted ENT doctor will help your problem.
Posted by: ear nose throat | November 11, 2009 at 04:25 AM
Visiting a well-trusted ENT doctor will help your problem.
Posted by: dragonball gold | June 22, 2010 at 05:50 AM
Thank you so much for writing a lot of this excellent info! Looking forward to seeintg more blogs.
Posted by: site of the day | January 28, 2011 at 11:20 AM
Here's one that belatedly came to mind: "GREAT"!
Posted by: tinnitus cure | April 22, 2011 at 11:33 PM
Very interesting article. You guys are really amazing in providing these resources.
Posted by: HP laptops | June 07, 2011 at 03:53 PM