I am just playing with community software and its dynamics within KM.
One of our forum members has launched a wiki for his nation !! Not just a group, but for his whole country. Interesting eh ?? Anyhow, he believes that every "cantoon". ( A Cantoon is simliar to a province, state, district ), can now have its own unique space for barcamps. This implies a single landing zone for every barcamp within that country.
I jumped onto his bandwagon to see how that space develops. What I find interesting here, is that Corsin has not used the Barcamp Wiki format at all, rather he has forked the tool set into another type of wiki format. Will this retain richer content and community service or not ?? How will this unfold ?? As I say an interesting to watch experiment-- in the making !!
My User Page is here- feel free to edit me :)_ My Publix wiki is here