An Adieu to all my Friends : , who are always part of my Team !!
Yes, it's time to say Adieu and may you all have pleasant memories of me. Our times together were good and at times we disagreed, but I leave you all with a fond memories. Each and every one of you from Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto . Windsor, London, Calgary, Edmonton, and across into Vancouver. Yeah, you former MWTS folks, I still love you all. :)-
Business decisions are, at times, cruel !! But- it has to be made by someone, somewhere. I don't hold anyone accountable or responsible for being "let go". All I know that over the last 5 years, we the team in Canada, built a healthy and conducive business. We learned, we grow and we WERE THE BEST !!. Yeah, we topped the world over, in terms of profit margins for Customs Brokerage Professional services. (Yes, our Executives can confirm that fact !!) Albeit, with the Merger and Acquisition being followed in by an F50 company, times become turbulent. The day I finished integration efforts and handover, I asked myself , "do I have a job ?" - I echo that question today , once over .
Having walked a path and having done the best I could, fate has brought me to the cross roads. It is time to say goodbye, to all my friends. I had a hecka ride with you for the last 5 years, and if fortune ever permits, I'll do it once over with you all. I won't hesitate for second !!!
You all are a good bunch of people, so don't let anyone or anything undermine your spirit's or your integrity, for this is your true worth.
I take with me, your true worth as fond memories !!
Update : Breaking News : My Boss (Kim C) joins me in saying Adieu to you all too !!!!!!! :)- One of the most brilliant minds and visionary leaders in the industry was let go a soon after I was walked out !!! Just shows, the caliber of the people who are "running the show" !!
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