Speaking in the State Duma today, Sergey Ivanov, the defense minister, mentioned some details of the 2007-2015 armament program.
Ivanov was reported as saying that by 2015 the Rocket Forces will receive "tens of silo-based missiles and more than 50 road-mobile ones". This is generally consistent with the earlier reports of 69 new Topol-M missiles by 2015, although it would be great if the information about the plans were more specific. Given that by the end of 2006 the Rocket Forces had 42 silo-based Topol-Ms and three mobile ones, earlier projection of about 100 Topol-Ms by 2015 seems about right, even though it appears to look more like 110 or even 120 missiles now - 60+ in silos and 50+ in garages. [source]
Russia is not quietly back down on thier missle technology deployement. Are we seeing a new cold war in the making ?
HatTip : ArmControlWonk.