I ordered 6 copies of this book by Robert and Shel. Their First Podcast on this book is here.
I like these tidbits of converstaions;
in the blog they talk about their dreams, their hopes, their failures, their solutions, maybe people comment in and send solutions in.
So in a naked kind of conversational way, the fully clothed versions are the overproduced stuff, and the naked versions are the raw truth. The endorsement side of it.
The customers would leave and they would tell others that they had a good deal or a bad deal. It was a personal endorsement from someone you know and trust.
use blog search engines to read everybody in the world who says something about your company which is really powerful.
I memorized 3000 SKUs in my store and I memorized them twice. Once for my store, and once for the competitor [liar liar pants on fire.. Robert could you reproduce this ??? after all your memorized it.. it cant be forgotten :)-!! ]]
One simple rule for doing it right is “Be Real.” If you are going to blog, be authentic. Keep your conversations naked. Let people know who you are and where you are coming from. We call if being transparent.
“the audience is smarter than I am, more connected than I am, wealthier than I am, more educated than I am, and comes from a problem from a lot more viewpoints than I do.” They make me smarter by participating in that.
Sometimes they were very kind, and sometimes they gave us what the blogosphere calls “tough love”.
He was naked at that point. The audience pulled his pants down![Joe Nacchio, right? ]]
It is like a brawl…a brawl for the truth. [John's Comment !!) so, kewl..he knocks me off me seat laughing... yeah its the brawl of truth !!
The way I know a company really “gets it” is when they start listening to their customers and start building better products based on the conversation that they are having with their customers"
A lot of companies come into the blogosphere and do press releases on their blogs
When I asked him the most important thing about blogging he said, “Listen, really listen.”
Because I write on the web everyday. What a bizarre way to meet people.
Any final parting comments ?
About the book? Nah, that’s too commercial.
A good Conversations happening here. This is the live verersion of the ClueTrain Manifesto actually happening, its kinda funcky business
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